Post Lockdown Worldwide MOCKINGBIRD Race Riots


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the original work of the site's owner John Robles II. We encourage you to look around and while some may seem dated all work is topical as almost all of the subjects and operations covered continue to this day and continue to affect the world that we all live in. - John


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Articles6802 Jar2

Published May 29 2020 USA Race Riots and Social Collapse of Fascist System

08-27-2020 MKULTRA/COINTELPRO Live, in Action and Executed

Teen Gunman Charged With Intentional Homicide (Anthony Huber) +1

Teen Gunman Charged With 'Intentional Homicide' After 2 Killed During Protests in Kenosha

17-Year-Old-Wanna-Be-Cop Kills Two in Kenosha WI USA


Police Told Right-Wing Kenosha Killer “We Appreciate You” Just Before Deadly

Shot 7 Times in the Back, Jacob Blake Survives, Paralyzed

How much do police get for killing a black person? e-mail me

Slavery, Genocide and War! America Was Never Great!

USA Race Riots and Social Collapse of Fascist System

How much do police get for killing a black person? e-mail me

USA and Global Race Riots

JAR2 Statement on Race Riots and Demonstrations

When the white, Zionist, CIA controlled global media announced that Multiculturalism was dead, what they in fact were doing was stating that white supremacy had won. Multiculturalism means that multiple cultures and peoples live together in harmony and side by side while maintaining and respecting their collected cultural identities. Hence we support all of our brothers and sisters may they be Russians, Nigerians, Chinese, Swedes, Venezuelans, Mohawks, Navajos, Tainos, Semites, Arabs or anyone else. Yes black lives matter but unfortunately George Soros has taken that phrase and as we are in no way connected to the Khazarian mafia fronts run by Soros we state that ALL LIVES MATTER.

We are one of the few places on the Internet which regularly follow the USA police violence and endless murders committed against the oppressed civilians in the USA by police and worldwide by the secret services and their illegal global genocide arm NATO, and we see these riots as long overdue. However we do not believe there will be any change because the same White/Zionist Supremacist monied interests continue to stay in power and in the shadows.  

Globally we have all been touched by this as it is part of the divide and conquer strategy of the CIA and the Zionist entity. We stand with the oppressed worldwide and with the so-called oppressed "minorities" in the USA who are in fact the majority. We remind you that the USA is a Corporation and a "state" founded on stolen land obtained by the Genocide of the Indigenous peoples and built by the slaves they imported from Africa. The CIA/Zionist controlled Global MOCKINGBIRD media and the USA government continue to ignore the genocide of my people, the native Americans, and the plight of the poor and oppressed all over the world. As the USA has become a fascist CORPORATOCRACY waging illegal Wars of Aggression all over the world and meddling in and subverting every country that attempts to rise up or remain independent, we sincerely hope that this will be the beginning of the collapse of the USA as an entity.

Real change can only be had if the status quo is completely destroyed in the USA. We know it will be painful but we hope it will be peaceful. Make America Turtle Island Again.  

Statues of Founder of Genocidal New World Order Finally Going

Statues of Christopher Columbus are being dismounted across the country

Who Wants to be a Slave? The Technocratic Convergence of Humans and Data

America's Genocidal Racist Roots Making Karmic Appearance

Race and Crime in America

Fascist Police State is as Fascist Police Does: Life for Molotov

2 Brooklyn Lawyers Could Get Life Imprisonment for Tossing Molotov Cocktail at Police Vehicle

May They Rot in Hell: Cops Shoot Innocent Man In Wheelchair

Sadistic Riot Cops Shoot Innocent Wheelchair-Bound Homeless Man in the Head

Check Chauvin for Connections to Missing Raped Murdered Women

George Floyd’s Killer Reportedly Knew Him ‘Pretty Well’ As Co-Workers At Minneapolis Nightclub

Anarchists Take Over Seattle Police Station, Create ‘Autonomous Zone’ In City With Their Own Rules

Anarchists Take Over Seattle Police Station, Create ‘Autonomous Zone’ In City With Their Own Rules

Defund the Police? Let’s Defund the Military!

Despite Floyd Extra-Judicial Suffocation Executions Continue

‘I Can’t Breathe’: Cops Taser, Suffocate Man to Death on LIVE PD Over Failing to Dim His Brights

Abolish the Police, Abolish the Military, Abolish ICE: Dismantle Systems of Oppression

75-year-old protester shoved to ground by Buffalo police has skull fracture: lawyer

Aunt Jemima logo dropped, Uncle Ben's under review as brands confront racial stereotypes

Atlanta officer who fatally shot Rayshard Brooks charged with murder

Missouri officer criminally charged for hitting Black man with police SUV

Iran backs emergency UN human rights meeting on George Floyd’s murder

Atlanta police officer charged with felony murder over Brooks death

Protests show ‘American exceptionalism’ is over: political researcher

George Floyd Protests: Stunning Photos From the Epicenter of a Revolution

Suffocating Blacks the New Norm in Police Assassination Tactics

Black man told Texas cops ‘I can’t breathe’ before he died, newly released video shows

‘These Are Not Suicides’: Series Of Suspected Lynchings Come As Nation Protests Racism

Klan leader charged over driving car into Black Lives Matter protesters

Man shot after car driven into George Floyd protest in Seattle

America's Switch To Remote Learning For 50 Million Students Called 'A Failure'

Minneapolis city council votes to dismantle police

Karma Keeps Biting the USA

George Floyd Protests: US Arrests Now Higher Than Hong Kong Protest Total Figures

Dems Choose Pedophile Being Blackmailed by MOSSAD for Prez

Joe Biden Formally Clinches Democratic Nomination

CIA International Criminals Fail to Enter Politics in New Mexico

Former CIA officer Valerie Plame loses primary competition in New Mexico

Nothing Will Ever Change in America Until White Rule is Removed

US protestors vow to continue rallies until change happens

Более 41 тыс. резервистов Национальной гвардии выдвинули на усмирение беспорядков

Rand Paul Blocked the Emmett Till Antilynching Act

Rand Paul Blocked the Emmett Till Antilynching Act

United States is a racist society: African-American journalist

Cop’s ‘Less Lethal’ Shooting Of Student Protestor Leads To ‘Brain Damage’: Everything To Know

Protests continue in US cities against police brutality, racism

Protests continue in US cities against police brutality, racism

For the Fascist Savage Protesting Brutality Means More Brutality

Austin Police Respond to Police Brutality Protest with Violent Crackdowns

Agent Provocateurs: Police at Protests All Over the Country Caught Destroying Property

With Yet Another Series of Right-Wing Fake "Cultural Marxist" Headlines We Say Goodbye to StateoftheNationdotco as News

They Join ZeroHedge in the Russophobic Trash Bin of JAR2

Note: When you push an agenda you are no longer news


All four ex-officers involved in Floyd's death charged, victim's family want "whole justice"

Police Accidentally Record Themselves Conspiring to Fabricate Criminal Charges Against Protester

USA Continues "Lighting Up" on Reporters and Journalists

White Supremacist Drumpf Calls Protesters "Lowlifes and Losers"


Yanukovich Couldn't Use Force on Maidan but USA Can? Idiots!

WATCH: Grandma Shot Between the Eyes by Police Rubber Bullet While Peacefully Protesting

After Massive Uprising, City Council Members Look to Entirely Disband Minneapolis PD

US Police Forces Are Trained by Israel: The Knee-On-Neck Tactic that Was Used on George Floyd Is the Same Tactic that Has Been Used on the Palestinians

WATCH: Cops Shoot Innocent Student in Head with Rubber Bullet, Open Fire on People Helping Him

Horrifying Video Shows Cops Mace Man Then Shoot Him in The Face With Tear Gas Grenade

New York Cop Exposes Tapes of Fellow Officers Admitting to Framing, Beating Innocent Residents

The Whole World is Watching: Global Protests Erupt in Solidarity With US Anti-Police Brutality Protesters

3 Ex-Officers Charged, Derek Chauvin’s Charges Increased in Murder of George Floyd

Union slams US for violence against reporters to conceal brutal response to protests

Attorney Resigns From Use of Force Committee After Being Shot, Gassed by Denver Police


Donald Trump: White Supremacist

Will This Be the Provoked REX84 Moment for Enslaved America?

Journalists reporting on George Floyd protests find themselves under police attack

China's Foreign Ministry Tweets "I Can't Breathe!" As America's Rivals Troll US Over Unrest

1,400 arrested as angry George Floyd protesters defy curfews across US

Iran: Instead of using ‘vicious dogs', US should listen to its people

DC mayor blasts Trump, ‘hundreds of years of institutional racism’ in US

Американские губернаторы ввели комендантский час из-за протестов

Two Federal Officers Shot, One Killed, As Violence Spreads To Oakland

There Will Be A Lot More Rioting, Looting, And Civil Unrest As The US Economy Continues To Crumble

NYPD Officer Calls Defenseless Woman "Stupid F*cking B*itch" Before Throwing Her To The Ground

National Guard summoned to aid cities amid police clashes

George Floyd live updates: Car slams into San Jose protesters; more National Guard troops to Minneapolis

Protests over George Floyd death overwhelm authorities again

NSA Facial Coordinate Database FakeBook Supports Killing You

Facebook says it'll do nothing about Trump's post calling for military to shoot protesters

Fiery protests in Portland following George Floyd rallly

Violent protests rock US cities over George Floyd’s killing

Their Lives Mattered Too: Before George Floyd, Cops Killed 400 Others in First 5 Months of 2020

Drumpf Calls for Extrajudicial Execution of Rioters

‘The Looting Starts, The Shooting Starts’: Trump Calls for Extrajudicial Execution of Rioters

As Minneapolis Burns, Video Surfaces of Cop Choking Innocent Teen, Daring Him to Resist

Pentagon Puts Military Police on Alert, GA Calls in Nat’l Guard As Protests Spread Nationwide

NYPD Precinct Attacked, Rioters Storm CNN HQ In Atlanta As Protests Spread Nationwide

Pentagon Puts Military Police on Alert, GA Calls in Nat’l Guard As Protests Spread Nationwide

Racist US cop murder pushes COVID-19 off front page. ‘Normal’ is back

A Psychotic Country and their Psychotic Zionist Supremacist Leader

Trump sparks horror by promoting video that says ‘only good Democrat is a dead Democrat’

Time for Humanitarian Intervention in the USA to Save Blacks REX84

Mainstream Media is deliberately fanning racial flames—BIG TIME

Thousands ignore Minneapolis curfew as U.S. protests spread

One dead after shooting at protesters in Detroit during Floyd rally


Last Update: 05/03/2024 21:30 +0300



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