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   我們很高興地宣布,現在中華人民共和國的讀者可以表達對 JAR2 的支持



UnionPay 6233 7220 0560 6913


SberBank MIR 2202 2013 5531 0877 






Clarification: The Challenge is to Crack the Engrypted Insurance Files Password File



Please donate to the only real leak site in the world and SUPPORT INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALISM, INDEPENDENT PUBLISHING and TRUTH! Thank you.

Donors get access to the Blog and password protected sections of all JAR2 sites, as well as free copies of all premium books and articles. After you donate e-mail us or send an SMS to +79017188391 and we will send you login and password information which will be good until the end of the month.




We have asked you a million times to donate to the sites so that everything remains free. You ignore our pleas and devalue our endless work and the price we pay by refusing to donate even enough for a cup of coffee. For over 20 years we have provided millions of free downloads of all of our original and unique content to the entire world and have received almost nothing in return except endless attacks and attempts to damage us even by governments and their armies of stalkers, therefore the free ride is over. We are not asking for millions of dollars, any size donation will get you a monthly password for all password protected resources on all of the JAR2 sites as well as unlimited access to the FTP resources. The password will be changed on the first of every month so every month you will have to at least buy us a cup of coffee to continue to access the JAR2 sites. We have gone through hell to make it possible to donate from Russia, China and even the Empire of Lies  and you give nothing. So it is over. Sound fair? It does to me. So that's it. Thank you for your visit.


Make Donation for One Month Total Access 102 GBs 145,952 Files 268 GBs 81,250 Files 108 GBs 712 Files 580 MBs 729 Files 779 MBs 35 Files


Donate Tiny Help restart our humanitarian mission and continue our important life-saving work.

We need 800,000.00 rubles or about $9,411.00 to get back on the road. (Rebuilt Engine)


Minimum for vehicle:

R98,000 for full rebuild kit or you can donate the kit



1996 GMC 5.7 Vortec V-8 L31 Engine Rebuild Kit

СБОР на ЗАПЧАСТИ и Ромашка 4

2202 2013 5531 0877

I need this to travel to the south. It blocks drone coms so I am
not killed by an indiscriminate CIA/MI6/NATO ukronazi kamikaze drone strike.

250,000 rubles for 2 modules to cover all frequencies!

105/139,000 (basic model) to 214,000 rubles
Друзья, я хочу объявить сбор на глушилку от fpv-дронов для наших волонтеров. Даже на пограничье стало очень опасно, не говорю уже про зоны за лентой. Все читаете новости - враг не разбирает, военная машина едет или гражданская. И бьет по всему. Мне кажется, пора защитить тех, кто, рискуя своими жизнями, доставил на фронт уже не одну сотню тонн гуманитарки. Да и сам груз стоит точно больше, чем РЭБ.
Цена «Ромашки 4» - 105 тыс, если купить модуль с диапазоном 700-1050 МГц (основной диапазон, на котором летают камикадзе). И 214 тыс, если взять 2 модуля, тогда рабочий диапазон расширится до 400-1050 МГц.

Ромашки 4







Donate TinyNEW 06-30-2024 In a Fake News Universe We Have Always Trusted This Source

As we seek donations ourselves we do not normally ask you to donate to other sites but this time we are making an exception. Please.

We see a real drop in overall traffic of those seeking truth. We have never hidden our numbers but we have never seen theirs until now. We see the results of the CIA/ZIO/NATO killing the Internet.


Donate TinyNEW June 14, 2024 - 06-14-24 We continue or humanitarian work See Telegram for our progress and unpdates. Мы продолжаем сбор для нашего подшефного подразделения «МОТО» и помогаем нашим.  


Donate Tiny June 11, 2024 - I have seen the the future of AI: Automated Cashiers, Waiters, Doctors, Factories, Soldiers, Drivers, Pilots, Lawyers, Bankers, Farmers, Police, Translators, Journalists, Builders, et al etc., but the world is dead and empty of humans. 

Donate Tiny June 02, 2024 - We will be at the Atlas Shopping Center across from the central rail station in Serpukhov. Feel free to come out and say hi.


Donate Tiny List of Honor: Donors, Donations and Honorable Mentions

June 2024 - Goal R800,000.00

1. DK R1,700

May 2024 - Goal R800,000.00

1. R500 - A

2. R400 - T

3. International transfer $5.00

4. R1000 - J

6 - R1000 V


March and April 2024

04-18-2024 - 04-02-2024 - 03-30-2024 - For the month of march we received two donations. The funds were used to partially pay for our physical location "office/data center".

Thanks go out to:

1. Sparrow Hawk - Thank you!

2. J - Thank you!

3. 04-02-2024 Vasily Vasilev from VK - Thank you!

4. Ekaterina - Thank you!

5. J AGAIN! - Thank you!

6. LS - Thank you!

7. J - Thank you!





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