CIA Coronavirus Crimea John Robles NATO Russia

CIA/DARPA Biological Laboratories in the Ukraine (2018)

CIA/DARPA Biological Laboratories in the Ukraine (2018) While we were being crucified by Russian CIA/US State Department backed Liberals here in Russia we published detailed and factual information about US Biological Laboratories in the Ukraine. This was ignored and now those who had the information are pretending it was a surprise. Many heads are currently […]

25 Years CIA NATO New World Order Russia

WE SUPPORT RUSSIAN SPECIAL OPERATIONS IN THE UKRAINE and all of our sites support the Russian Special Operation in the Ukraine. We have documented the crimes of NATO and the CIA and their illegally installed nazi junta for the past 8 years and we are overjoyed that Russia has finally done the right thing in demilitarizing and denazifizing a dangerous terrorist regime […]