25 Years Asylum JAR2 John Robles Operation Z Russia Uncategorized

Russian Medicine: Modern and First Rate

Life, it’s something we never asked for, and in the hell world we all live in is something we fight to keep every single day. Life, sweet life… Too short, too hard and too precious, and every single day and with every single fleeting moment we come closer and closer to the end… We fight […]

Donbass Humanitarian Mission JAR2 John Robles Operation Z Russia

It is an Honor for Me to be a Russian Indian

“It is an Honor for Me to be a Russian Indian” John Anthony Robles, born in Puerto-Rico, is helping to supply medications and medical supplies for those who in need and who have been injured in the special operation zone in the Ukraine. The wonderful man with an extraordinary destiny and a high level of […]

CIA Coronavirus Crimea John Robles NATO Russia

CIA/DARPA Biological Laboratories in the Ukraine (2018)

CIA/DARPA Biological Laboratories in the Ukraine (2018) While we were being crucified by Russian CIA/US State Department backed Liberals here in Russia we published detailed and factual information about US Biological Laboratories in the Ukraine. This was ignored and now those who had the information are pretending it was a surprise. Many heads are currently […]

25 Years CIA NATO New World Order Russia


JAR2.com and all of our sites support the Russian Special Operation in the Ukraine. We have documented the crimes of NATO and the CIA and their illegally installed nazi junta for the past 8 years and we are overjoyed that Russia has finally done the right thing in demilitarizing and denazifizing a dangerous terrorist regime […]

25 Years Asylum JAR2 Drone John Robles NATO Russia

Updates for JAR2 (Drone, Article, Files, CIA Fronts)

New Article; Donbass is Russia – Self-Determination http://www.jar2.com/Articles/2022/Self-Determination.html New Drone Videos on JAR2.org http://www.jar2.org/Drone_Footage_by_JAR2/Pages/Rostov_on_the_Don.html http://www.jar2.org/Drone_Footage_by_JAR2/Pages/Pereslavl-Zalessky.html http://www.jar2.org/Drone_Footage_by_JAR2/Pages/Park_Patriot.html New CIA Fronts http://www.jar2.com/2/Intel/CIA/CIA%20Fronts.htm New Files – Apartheid Israel http://www.jar2.com/Files/MOSSAD/MDE1551412022ENGLISH.pdf      

25 Years CIA Crimea John Robles NATO

LULZSEC Video Message to the World – STOP NATO

http://www.lulzsec.org/Topics/STOP_NATO_LULZSEC.html http://www.lulzsec.org/Video/LULZSEC/LULZSEC_VIDEO.mp4 January 07, 2022 –  Russia vs NATO: the Military Wing of the Anglo-Saxon Empire of Genocide NATO Dear Enslaved Sheeple and Citizens of the World We have been watching You have allowed yourselves to be enslaved by the same psychotic elites that we tried to warn you about for years. You have allowed […]