Quantum Destabilization

New World Order TEMPORAL

Again I promised a friend and a Highness that I would continue the theory I started below and thus will start with the introduction.

Reality, Causality and Quantum Annihilation The Dangers of Fake News, Alternative Histories and Historical Revisionism

(Finally I want to share with you something that came to me in my sleep and which I believe deserves serious thought and consideration. If you believe in parallel universe theory, alternative timelines, the multi-verse and time paradoxes and causality then serious food for thought may be had by the effects that historical revisionism may have on the stability of our mutual reality. It is one thing going back and changing an event which would cause organic and naturally propagated causality and it is quite another to synthetically attempt to erase or change a reality after it has occurred which is what the globalist Zionist cabal are attempting to do by erasing 911 and promoting lies, fictions and realities that are fabricated and synthetic in nature. As such my contention is that it is not possible to kill the truth without causing unpredictable causal fluctuations which will destroy reality at the fundamental level. Even if the revision is believed by even 100% of the observers of the quantum probability wave that is our shared reality, at the base level traces of reality will always remain which will serve to destabilize the timeline at the base level. Of course the globalist media idiots and historical revisionists and even Doctor Farrell would not understand this but I would hope that there are saner minds above them who will see the danger I have attempted to describe in the simplest terms possible.

Reality as we see it is a very fragile thing but as the word implies its foundation is on what is real and not simply what is perceived to be real. People who study causality, time travel, alternative realities. parallel universes, quantum theory and other related spheres of knowledge are all familiar with Schrödinger’s cat and basic time paradoxes such as going back and killing your grandmother, meeting yourself and the effects that intentionally trying to change something can have, and it is generally agreed that intentionally attempting to change time can have catastrophic, unpredictable and dangerous results, with those who believe in the multiverse generally in agreement that effecting such changes would cause splitting time lines. We therefore can with some degree of certainty postulate that such changes which may occur from a real event variation would thus have real world effects on reality after the change, that is almost a given, unless you do not believe in free will and only one rigid course of events which is not scientifically reasonable in the least. To get to the point I am trying to make first we need to accept that for example, a reality where I was never born and one in which I was, or you were or anyone else, is a viable real timeline whose co-dependent events are also real to the observers at all levels and to the underlying quantum reality that is the fabric that holds everything together. That quantum reality, let’s call it gravity, is what keeps everything tied down and in order if you will. As Einstein claimed to have discovered and other physicists have postulated time and gravity are interconnected, time as we see it going forward (although time itself exists in both directions) is kept in that parameter by gravity and the pull of it on objects since it has a one directional function, hence if we were to manipulate gravity and say get rid of it, time would go unhinged or unconnected from the associated matter. As a parallel let’s consider the change in timelines for the one where I was not born and the quantum reality I am trying to communicate to you. In such a reality at the quantum level my appearance never really happened and thus my physically manifestation on “reality” never occurred, thus the atoms, the gravitation and the other natural functions and micro-realities that all of us effect with our existence never happened. Such a real scenario is stable and a legitimate reality as all associated processes, observers and related and interconnected quantum partners all exist and are in accordance and stable.

Schrödinger’s cat is a good elementary example of parallel universe theory and alternative realities which exist in the multi-verse and are only quantified or “quantumfied” when the observer opens the box. Thus the quantum wave of reality collapsed into the given singularity and propagates from that point affecting everything (the entire universe if you will), this is natural and healthy and as things should be. However (let me try to make this as simple as possible so that anyone can understand), imagine if one were to open the box and find a dead cat but then closed it again and lied and told everyone that the cat was alive. There would be in fact a temporal anomaly created and therefore at the quantum level, starting with the lying observer, the reality would in fact be unstable and in the end not sustainable. For those of you who lie regularly you may not want to read further. Thus no matter how clever or multi-layered or well orchestrated the lie is, at the quantum level and thus in reality there is always a nexus point where the lie is not sustainable or is contradicted at a quantum or other fundamental level, this is the case with 911 for example, any five year old could tell you a lateral impact does not cause a vertical collapse, thus the ensuing reality is not sustainable, stable or able to exist indefinitely.

So where does that leave the Neo-Con Zionist perpetrators of 911 and those who stage massive False Flag events and are attempting to sustain a reality based on lies and fabrications and how is it that they are the greatest danger the universe is currently facing? If everything you believe is fake, as the CIA wants, then the reality you are in is an abomination. Countries based on genocide and lies such as the United States of America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Israel, the United Kingdom and Saudi Arabia who support their right to exist by propagating lies and founding themselves on a fake reality are not tenable, sustainable or stable at the core level. Therefore it is just a matter of time (the great avenger) before they collapse. Quantum stabilization might be called harmony in simple terms and it is not obtainable when even one particle knows that the reality is synthetic and not “real”. The British Royals, the so-called Americans and the Zionist lunatics believe and act as if they are God and manipulate and create realities that are only able to be supported by escalating levels and forms of manipulation. This is why they are so afraid of the truth. Were you all to see that the cat was in fact dead, their entire web of lies would collapse. Such are the simple truths of 911, that Semites are Palestinians, that Russia beat the Nazis on the Eastern front, that the United States has no right to be on Turtle Island and is in fact an illegitimate state based on genocide and that the USA was never on the moon and were the masses who observation of the reality in fact keeps it from collapsing, were to know real truths, then the fakers and the liars and the Illuminati enslavers would have nothing to manipulate with.  

At the quantum level you can not change reality once it is observed or materializes as part of the quantum wave of probability, even if that observer is just another atom. As with gravity you will become untethered and eventually your “time” will be up. What the fabricators and manipulators are doing is forcing you to also become and unstable partner in their reality and with each new compromised observer, the probability of a quantum collapse grows exponentially.   

Those engaged in creating false realities will have the ultimate price to pay when the Cat is finally seen.       

Someone is sending information back in time (or not) and they have one word for you. TRUTH

God Bless Mother Russia! 

P.S. Will continue when time says to.

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